Omaha System International Conferences

Omaha System International Conferences (face-to-face) and Omaha System Update Conferences (online) have been held as a venue for those in practice, education, research, and software development to exchange experiences. There is something for everyone involved with the Omaha System, from beginners to experts to everyone in between.

NEWS FLASH! Omaha System Update Conference (online) will be held on April 17, 2025!

The next Omaha System Update Conference (online) is scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2025 via Zoom! The Conference will begin at 8:00 AM Central Daylight Time (Minnesota time zone) and last for 2 hours. The University of Minnesota School of Nursing will be the host school. There is NO cost OR registration!! Just log in and join us! More details about speakers and the agenda will be posted early in 2025.

The following details relate to the April 2019 Conference (face-to-face).

  • Date To Be Announced: Omaha System Basic Workshop Pre-Conference. Designed to introduce, describe, and practice the terms and definitions of the Omaha System with the focus on case studies.

  • Date To Be Announced: The Omaha System International Conference: A Key to Practice, Documentation, and Information Management. Offers opportunities for those in practice, education, research, and software development to discuss current and future use of the Omaha System in diverse settings. The host school will be the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, Austin, Texas. Good information, good networking, good food!

Registration and Details:

Location: Eagan, Minnesota is a suburb of Minneapolis-St. Paul, just eight miles from the airport and Mall of America.

Posters: Coming soon.

Awards: Coming soon.

Exhibitors: Coming soon.

Previous Omaha System International Conferences

Award Recipients

Excellence in Practice: Kristin J. Erickson, RN, APHN-BC, MS
Excellence in Education: Daryl L. Canham, RN, BC-PHN/CHN, EdD
Excellence in Research: Karen A. Monsen, RN, PhD, FAMIA, FAAN

Excellence in Practice: Gail Peterson, RN, BSN
Excellence in Education: Madeleine Kerr, RN, PhD
Excellence in Research: Frances Kam Yuet Wong, RN, PhD, FAAN, FHKAN

Excellence in Practice: Nicole Koster, Physiotherapist, MS-Public Health
Excellence in Practice (posthumous): Judith G. Riemer, RN, PHN, CNS, MS
Excellence in Education (joint): Semra Erdogan, RN, PhD, and Selda Secginli, RN, PhD
Excellence in Research: Sally P. Lundeen, RN, PhD, FAAN

Excellence in Practice: Kathleen L. Dubbels, RN, BSN, RNC
Excellence in Education: Joseph T. Burley, RN, MNEd
Excellence in Research: Bonnie L. Westra, RN, PhD, FAAN, FACMI

Excellence in Practice: Suzanne Plemmons, RN, MN, PHCNS-BC
Excellence in Education: Karen A. Monsen, RN, PhD
Excellence in Research: Kathryn H. Bowles, RN, PhD, FAAN

Reports of Past Conferences

2023 Online Omaha System Update Conference Report

We had another “amazing” Omaha System Update Conference via Zoom! This year, it was held on April 27, 2023! The University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota was the host school. We began at 8:00 AM Central Daylight Time (Minnesota time zone) and ended just over 2 hours later. Approximately 130 participants joined from many time zones! Robin Austin, Minneapolis, Minnesota opened the Conference and Karen Martin, Omaha, Nebraska closed the Conference. Speakers were Yaewon Seo, Arlington, Texas; Kristin Bye, Fergus Falls, Minnesota; Frances Wong, Hong Kong SAR, China; Rachel Gilbertson, Duluth, Minnesota; Kathryn Bowles, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Maxim Topaz, New York, New York; and Taffany Hwang, San Francisco, California. After the practice, education, research, and IT speakers described their exciting news, Huoy Ling Ng, Singapore and Kelly Krumwiede, Mankato, Minnesota gave brief updates. Good discussion followed presentations. As in 2022, there was no fee, no registration, and no contact hours. The Conference was hosted by the University of Minnesota.

The following slide and recording links are available to those who attended the Conference AND others who were not able to attend: Omaha System Update Conference Slides; Omaha System Update Conference Video. As with every Omaha System Conference, the goals are to increase speaker-participant communication and sharing, and the extent and quality of Omaha System use and quality of care.

Planning Committee: Karen Martin, Robin Austin, Jeana Holt, Taffany Hwang, and Christie Martin

2022 Online Omaha System Update Conference Report

We had an “amazing” Omaha System Update Conference via Zoom on Thursday, April 21, 2022! The University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota was the host school. We began at 7:00 AM Central Daylight Time (Minnesota time zone) and ended just over 2 hours later. Approximately 140 participants joined from many time zones! Karen Monsen, Minneapolis, Minnesota opened the Conference and Karen Martin, Omaha, Nebraska closed the Conference. Speakers were Keng Kwang Yong and Yun Jing Tan, Singapore; Jeana Holt, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Brian Kates, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Karen Monsen and Matthew Rodriguez, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Tamara Bouwman and Marleen Versteeg, The Netherlands; Robin Austin, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Amy Mimm and Tara McLane, South St. Paul, Minnesota; and Selda Secginli, Turkey. The practice, education, research, and IT speakers described their exciting news at a time when it was not possible to schedule an Omaha System International Conference in Eagan, Minnesota. There was no fee, no registration, and no contact hours--just a great time of community, connection, and learning. It was hosted by the University of Minnesota.

The following recording and slide links are available to learn more about global Omaha System use: Link to Update Recording, Link to Slides. Our goal is that those who participated in the Conference and those who then apply the information will extend and expand the use of the Omaha System even more!

Planning Committee: Karen Martin, Karen Monsen, Robin Austin, Jeana Holt, and Lynn Choromanski

2019 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2019 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 3-5, 2019. The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, Austin, Texas was the host school. Click here to review the conference PDF flier or see the conference photos. The book of handouts that was distributed at the Conference is indexed in: CINAHL. (2019). Proceedings of the Omaha System International Conference, Eagan, Minnesota. Available:

Awards: Three award recipients were selected to recognize individuals who excel in Omaha System-related practice, education, and research. The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing representative presented the recipients with a certificate and a $150 check. An Excellence in Practice award was presented to Kristin J. Erickson, RN, APHN-BC, MS. An Excellence in Education award was presented to Daryl L. Canham, RN, BC-PHN/CHN, EdD. An Excellence in Research award was presented to Karen A. Monsen, RN, PhD, FAMIA, FAAN. Please click here to read more about their accomplishments and contributions to the Omaha System.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 12 states, along with New Zealand, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Turkey, Singapore, and Switzerland. Most used the online registration option. Twenty-four posters were displayed. Seven groups exhibited. Eight generous donors gave Mall of America gift certificates and books for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Bonnie L. Brueshoff, Minnesota; Lynn Choromanski, Minnesota; Debra L. Eardley, Minnesota; Kristin J. Erickson, Minnesota; Diane E. Holland, Minnesota; Jeana M. Holt, Wisconsin; Karen E. Johnson, Texas; Robert Clarence Jones, Minnesota; Yen-Pin Kao, Taiwan; Brian Kates, Colorado; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Natasha B. Le, Pennsylvania; Christine Lees, Minnesota; Beng Hoi Low, Singapore; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Nicole Pryor, Wisconsin; Valerie S.C. Renoud-Grenier, Switzerland; Selda Secginli, Turkey; Joyce E. Sensmeier, Illinois; April Sommerville, Minnesota; Nicole K. Sowers, Minnesota; Marleen H. Versteeg, The Netherlands.

Omaha System Partnership Meeting and Recognition: An Omaha System Partnership Meeting and Recognition was held on Thursday, April 4. Included was an Omaha System Partnership 2017-2019 update. Awards and recognition were given to: Hannah Brummund (Student Methodologist (BSN); Durga Prasad Sanugula (Student Methodologist (MS); Robin Austin (Student Methodologist PhD); Selda Secginli (Early Career Methodologist); Michelle A. Mathiason (Senior Methodologist); and Bonnie Brueshoff (Community Partner).

2017 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2017 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 20-22, 2017. The Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado was the host school. Click here to review the conference PDF flier. The book of handouts that was distributed at the Conference is indexed in CINAHL.

Awards: Three award recipients were selected. The awards recognized individuals who excel in Omaha System-related practice, education, and research. The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs representative presented the recipients with a certificate and a $150 check. Gail Peterson, RN, BSN received the Excellence in Practice Award; Madeleine Kerr, RN, PhD received the Excellence in Education Award; and Frances Kam Yuet Wong, RN, PhD, FAAN, FHKAN received the Excellence in Research Award. Please click here to read more about their accomplishments and contributions to the Omaha System.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 15 states, Canada, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, The Netherlands, and Turkey. Many registered online. Twenty-three posters were displayed. Four groups exhibited. Four generous donors gave seven Mall of America gift certificates for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Eliezer L. Bose, Texas;  Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Nicole Brown, Minnesota; Lynn Choromanski, Minnesota; Kristin J. Erickson, Minnesota; Adriana Galvan, Minnesota; Jeana Holt, Wisconsin; Melissa Horning, Minnesota; Taiki Iwamoto, Japan; Barbara Joyce, Colorado; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Nicola Marsden-Haug, Washington; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Jennie Mast, The Netherlands; Kari Miller, Minnesota; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Igor Nestrasil, Czech Republic; Rhonda Perrin Oakes, Missouri; Suzanne Plemmons, Washington; J. Kay Poulsen, New Zealand; Scott Randall, Minnesota; Mary Reynolds-Keegan, Michigan; Trisha Smith, Kansas; Nicole K. Sowers, Minnesota; Katie M. Stanton, Minnesota; Patricia Trapp, Wisconsin; Frances KY Wong, Hong Kong, China.

Omaha System Partnership Meeting and Recognition: An Omaha System Partnership 2015-2017 update was held on Friday, April 21. The following received awards: Diane R. Thorson, MS, RN, PHN, Otter Tail County Public Health (Community Research Partner); Kathryn H. Bowles, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, University of Pennsylvania (Senior Methodologist); Melissa Horning Dehmer, PhD, RN, PHN (Early Career Methodologist); Grace Gao, DNP, RN, (Student Methodolgist – PhD); Sasank Maganti, B-Tech (Student Methodologist – MS); and Emily Lawrence, Taylor Maki, Ryan Schneider, Annika Stromme, and Elizabeth Weirich (Student Methodologists – Bachelor’s).

2015 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2015 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 16-18, 2015. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of Nursing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin was the host school. Click here to review the conference PDF flier. A book of handouts was distributed at the Conference.

Awards: Three award recipients were selected. The awards recognized individuals who excel in Omaha System-related practice, education, and research. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee representative presented the recipients with a certificate and a $150 check. Nicole Koster, MS-Public Health and Judith G. Riemer, RN, PHN, CNS (posthumous) received the Excellence in Practice Award; Semra Erdogan RN, PhD and Selda Secginli, RN, PhD (joint) received the Excellence in Education Award; and Sally P. Lundeen, RN, PhD, FAAN received the Excellence in Research Award. Please click here to read more about their accomplishments and contributions to the Omaha System.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 20 states, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and The Netherlands. Many registered online. Twenty posters were displayed. Six groups exhibited. Six generous donors gave 12 Mall of America gift certificates for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Terese Blakeslee, Wisconsin;  Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Lynn Choromanski, Minnesota; Sheree East, New Zealand; Kim Edelman, Minnesota; Oscar Garza, Minnesota; Holly A. Graber, Wisconsin; Diane E. Holland, Minnesota; Kay R. Jansen, Wisconsin; Trina M. Joqunoori, Minnesota; Barbara Joyce, Colorado; Mark W. Jurkovich, Minnesota; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Ann M. Kinney, Minnesota; Kathy Kujawa, Illinois; JG (Ard) Leferink, The Netherlands; Kathleen B. Malkin, Arizona; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Erin M. Moore, Ohio; Igor Nestrasil, Czech Republic; Erika Lozada Perezmitre, Mexico; Judith Peters, Minnesota; Tina Peters, Minnesota; Suzanne Plemmons, Washington; Rebekah Rud, Minnesota; Nancy J. Scheet, Nebraska; Suzanne Seely, Missouri; Nicole K. Sowers, Minnesota; Diane Thorson, Minnesota; Karen Utterback, Missouri; Sandra L. Walls, Michigan; John Whitington, Minnesota; Bev Zabler, Wisconsin.

Research Pre-Conference: The Second International Conference on Research Methods for Standardized Terminologies was held on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at Dakota County Public Health Department, West St. Paul, Minnesota as a pre-conference to the Omaha System International Conference. It was sponsored by the Omaha System Partnership for Knowledge Discovery and Health Care Quality through the Center for Nursing Informatics, University of Minnesota School of Nursing.

2013 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2013 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 4-6, 2013. The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was the host school. Click here to review the conference PDF flier. The book of handouts that was distributed at the Conference is indexed in CINAHL.

Awards: Three award recipients were selected. The awards recognized individuals who excel in Omaha System-related practice, education, and research. The University of Pennsylvania representative presented the recipients with a certificate and a $150 check. Kathleen L. Dubbels, RN, BSN, RNC received the Excellence in Practice Award; Joseph T. Burley, RN, MNEd received the Excellence in Education Award; and Bonnie L. Westra, RN, PhD, FAAN, FACMI received the Excellence in Research Award. Please click here to read more about their accomplishments and contributions to the Omaha System.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 19 states, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, New Zealand, The Netherlands, and Turkey. Many registered online. Twenty-four posters were displayed. Six groups exhibited. Twelve generous donors gave Mall of America gift certificates for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Aysun Ardic, Turkey; Ingrid Attleson, Minnesota; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Lynn Choromanski, Minnesota; Pamela J. Correll, Maine; Jos deBlok, The Netherlands; Sheree East, New Zealand; Kristen Edsall, Minnesota; Jason J. Fratzke, Minnesota; Lois Glanz, Iowa; Karen B. Hirschman, Pennsylvania; Alexandra Hopkins, Colorado; Ron Hutchins, Michigan; Edith Ruth Arizmendi Jaime, Mexico; Nicole Koster, The Netherlands; Beverly J. Larson, Wisconsin; Yingzia Luo, China; Arthur Manalac, California; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Cynthia K. O’Sullivan, Connecticut; Suzanne Plemmons, Washington; Lenore K. Resick, Pennsylvania; Judith G. Riemer, California; Gretchen Sampson, Wisconsin; Nancy J. Scheet, Nebraska; Greta Siegel, Minnesota; Nancy S. Smolar, Pennsylvania; Karen Utterback, Missouri; Bonnie L. Westra, Minnesota; Carolyn S. White, Kansas; Frances Kam Yuet Wong, China SAR.

Research Pre-Conference: The First International Conference on Research Methods for Standardized Terminologies was held on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at Dakota County Public Health Department, West St. Paul, Minnesota as a pre-conference to the Omaha System International Conference. It was sponsored by the Omaha System Partnership for Knowledge Discovery and Health Care Quality through the Center for Nursing Informatics, University of Minnesota School of Nursing.

2011 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2011 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 7-9, 2011. The Valley Foundation School of Nursing at San Jose State University, San Jose, California was the host school. Click here to review the conference PDF flier.

Awards: Three award recipients were selected for the first time. The awards recognized individuals who excel in Omaha System-related practice, education, and research. The San Jose State University School of Nursing presented the recipients with a certificate and a $150 check. Suzanne Plemmons, RN, MN, PHCNS-BC received the Excellence in Practice Award. Karen A. Monsen, RN, PhD received the Excellence in Education Award. Kathryn H. Bowles, RN, PhD, FAAN received the Excellence in Research Award. Read more here about their accomplishments and contributions to the Omaha System.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 15 states, Canada, China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and The Netherlands. Many registered online. Twenty posters were displayed. Seven groups exhibited, and seven generous donors gave Mall of America gift certificates for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Victoria L.S. Britson, Iowa; Daryl Canham, California; Phyllis M. Connolly, California; Pamela J. Correll, Maine; J.B.I. de Blok, The Netherlands; Marcia Dobrick, Wisconsin; Kathleen L. Dubbels, Minnesota; Sheree East, New Zealand; Oladimeji F. Farri, Minnesota; Kathleen M. Ford, Arizona; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Barbara A. Mork, Minnesota; Cynthia K. O’Sullivan, Connecticut; Suzanne Plemmons, Washington; Beverly K. Rhodes, Canada; Judith G. Riemer, California; Nancy J. Scheet, Nebraska; Nicole K. Sowers, Minnesota; Cheryl W. Thompson, Pennsylvania; Diane Thorson, Minnesota; Karen Utterback, Missouri; Bonnie L. Westra, Minnesota; Bev Zabler, Wisconsin; Yue Zhao, PR China.

2009 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2009 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 16-19, 2009. The University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota was the host school; the conference was part of their centennial celebration. Click here to review the conference PDF flier.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 17 states, Estonia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and The Netherlands. Many registered online. Twenty-two posters were displayed. Six groups exhibited, and donated 5 Mall of America gift certificates for a drawing. The speakers and planners were Amy J. Barton, Colorado; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Rosemary V. Chaudry, Ohio; Phyllis M. Connolly, California; Pamela J. Correll, Maine; Connie J. Delaney, Minnesota; Marcia Dobrick, Wisconsin; Kathleen M. Ford, Arizona; Jo Anne Grace, Colorado; Louis C. Henry, Jr., Minnesota; Jacqueline J. Hill, Louisiana; Carol J. Judkins, California; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Lisa V. Klotzbach, Minnesota; Leslie M. Larsen, Wisconsin; Karen G. Lindberg, Minnesota; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Marylyn M. McEwen, Arizona; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Judith G. Riemer, California; Charlotte E. Stepanian, Massachusetts; Jill E. Timm, Minnesota; Karen Utterback, Missouri; and Frances KY Wong, Hong Kong, China.

2007 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2007 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, Minnesota on April 12-14, 2007. The University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Minneapolis, Minnesota was the host school.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 16 states, New Zealand, and Wales. Seventeen posters were displayed; eleven groups exhibited. The speakers and planners were Amy J. Barton, Colorado; Nancy M. Benavides, Michigan; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Phyllis M. Connolly, California; Connie J. Delaney, Minnesota; Linda Denison, Wisconsin; Constance J. Dreyer, Minnesota; Beth Furlong, Nebraska; Vicki D. Gines, Missouri; Nancy P. Hanrahan, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth A. Jones, Minnesota; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Debra J. Konicek, Illinois; Leslie M. Larsen, Wisconsin; Maureen E. Leonardo, Pennsylvania; Karen Lindberg, Minnesota; Amy Lytton, Minnesota; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Trung Nguyen, Minnesota; Susan Pfeifer, Washington; Carol A. Romano, Maryland; Debra A. Solomon, Minnesota; Karen Utterback, Mississippi; Bonnie J. Westra, Minnesota; and Shona K. Wilson, New Zealand.

Online: Many participants registered online. Participants and others viewed the Breeze online presentation (audio recording with PowerPoint) for the rest of 2007 that was sponsored by CareFacts Information Systems, Inc., CHAMP Software, Inc., Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative, SNOMED® International, and the University of Minnesota.

2005 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2005 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the Woodlake Lutheran Church, Richfield, Minnesota on April 21-23, 2005. College of St. Catherine Department of Nursing, St. Paul, Minnesota was the host school.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 21 states, Estonia, and Wales. Fourteen posters were displayed; seven groups exhibited. The speakers and planners were Mary Jo Baisch, Wisconsin; Amy J. Barton, Colorado; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Susan J. Buelow, St. Paul, Minnesota; Jean R. Christensen, Wales; Ida Clark, Illinois; Phyllis M. Connolly, California; Pamela J. Correll, Maine; Constance J. Dreyer, Minnesota; Marcelline R. Harris, Minnesota; Mary Jo Holford, Illinois; Madeleine J. Kerr, Minnesota; Debra J. Konicek, Illinois; Leslie M. Larsen, Wisconsin; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Diane Pravikoff, California; Judith G. Riemer, California; Patricia M. Schoon, Minnesota; Heather Shlosser, Vermont; Alice Swan, Minnesota; and Thomas Williams, Wisconsin.

2003 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2003 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Conference Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on April 24-26, 2003. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Nursing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin was the host school.

Participants: Members of various disciplines registered from 19 states, Canada, and Wales. The speakers and planners were Amy J. Barton, Colorado; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Patricia A. Chiverton, New York; Dame June Clark, Wales; Marie J. Cowan, California; Constance J. Dreyer, Minnesota; Victoria L. Elfrink, Ohio; Linda Olson Keller, Minnesota; Debra J. Konicek, Illinois; Sally P. Lundeen, Wisconsin; Karen Dorman Marek, Missouri; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Kathy J. Mitchell, Virginia; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Julie Pahlen, Minnesota; Beth B. Patterson, Maine; Lisa A. Plowfield, Delaware; Judith G. Riemer, California; Gretchen Sampson, Wisconsin; Doris J. Schoneman, Wisconsin; Susan J. Warner, Minnesota; Carol L. Weinhoff, Wisconsin; and Bonnie L. Westra, Minnesota.

2001 Omaha System International Conference Report

Location and Host School: The 2001 Conference and Pre-conference Workshop were held at Bethel College, St. Paul, Minnesota on March 22-24, 2001. Bethel College Nursing Department was the host school.

Participants: Participants represented practice, education, and research, and came from 21 states, New Zealand, Wales, and Japan. The speakers and planners were Linda K. Ament, Nebraska; Amy J. Barton, Colorado; Kathryn H. Bowles, Pennsylvania; Christine M. Broeker, Minnesota; Joseph T. Burley, Florida; Jean R. Christensen, Wales; Phyllis M. Connolly, California; Jean F. Coppola, New York; Rebecca W. Dahl, Arizona; Constance J. Dreyer, Minnesota; Victoria L. Elfrink, Ohio; Ann M. Jones, Minnesota; Nancy A. Keefe, Indiana; Sally P. Lundeen, Wisconsin; Karen S. Martin, Nebraska; Karen A. Monsen, Minnesota; Donna F. Neff, Ohio; Nancy J. Scheet, Nebraska; Helen L. Sloan, Louisiana; Debra A. Solomon, Minnesota; Andrea E. Sorensen, Minnesota; Ronna J. Steffen, Minnesota; Barbara A. Thomas, New York; Bonnie L. Westra, Minnesota; and Shona K. Wilson, New Zealand.